Monday, November 22, 2010

Update on November 22, 2010

The Revival meeting got off to a great start with Dr. Rick Flanders preaching Sunday morning on "Grieving the Spirit."  It was a blessing to see a number of folks respond to the invitation making things right with God.  Also, one man trusted Christ as his Savior after the service.

We had 8 more visitors in Sunday School and many more in church.  So far in November, we have had 33 visitors for Sunday School!  We have one more week to go in our contest.  It was the first week in a long time that we were over 200.  Praise the Lord for 209 in attendance!

Sunday afternoon, we had the ordination council for Anthony Hayden.  Those involved were myself, Jeff McQueary, Sam Slabodian, Rick Flanders, and Fred Tanselle.  Bro. Hayden's doctrinal statement was well prepared, and it was a blessing to rehearse great Bible doctrines with him.  It was evident to all of us that God had called him to preach, and our church ordained him into the Gospel ministry in the evening service.  Bro. Flanders brought a message from 2 Timothy 1 on the Holy Spirit and the Preacher.  This was a great challenge to everyone, including laymen.

We are praying for God to continue to stir our hearts Monday-Wednesday of this revival meeting.

1 comment:

  1. Great to here the great work being done in peoples hearts
